Historical Ice Core Open Access Data

With the support of
the Arcadia Fund of London

Geodatabases of Western European Climate From Written Sources:

DARMC Scholarly Data Series, Data Contribution Series 2015-2. 
Abstract: First draft of a new geodatabase of western European climate reports from written sources ca. 1000 to ca. 1425, based on P. Alexandre 1987, produced as part of the SoHP Historical Ice Core Project with the support of the Arcadia Fund.

McCormick, M. Harper, K. More, A.F. Gibson, K. 2012. "Historical Evidence on Roman and Post-Roman Climate, 100 BC to 800 AD." 
DARMC Scholarly Data Series 2012-1. Updated 8/6/2014

McCormick, M. et al. 2012 - Historical Precipitation in Central Europe, AD 1013 - 1504
DARMC Scholarly Data Series 2012-2.

Colle Gnifetti Ice Core Datasets:




Data also available on the University of Maine Climate Change Institute's website.


Pascal Bohleber

Andrei Kurbatov

Christopher Loveluck

Paul Andrew Mayewski

Michael McCormick

Alexander More

Sharon Sneed

Nicole Spaulding


S. B. Sneed et al., "New LA-ICP-MS cryocell and calibration technique for sub-millimeter analysis of ice cores." Journal of Glaciology 61, 233-242 (2015).

Photo credit: Climate Change Institute, University of Maine